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Early Years Foundation Stage

The Foundation Stage

As children enter school we want to foster in them an active enjoyment of learning. Children follow a range of child initiated and adult led activities and resources are available and accessible for them to use and select as appropriate.


There are clear expectations of the provision that children will receive;

  •  Children receive formal teaching of phonics following the “Read, Write Inc” scheme as well as guided reading sessions that widen their experience of books and reading. During child initiated time there is access to a range of books and a dedicated story telling area.
  • Writing opportunities are wide and varied and children have the opportunity to see their teacher model the writing process. Children will also develop their writing skills alongside the teacher in guided sessions as well as during their own play; including time in the role play areas.
  • Numeracy skills are introduced and guided through teacher led sessions and fully supported by the careful planning of activities available to the children during free flow. These activities allow the children to apply and consolidate their understanding of their numeracy skills.
  • All other aspects of the EYFS curriculum are delivered following the whole school thematic approach delivered through half termly topics.