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KAPOW Computing

At St Peter’s C of E Primary and Nursery School, our high-quality computing education will equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and appreciate their place in the modern world. They will be digitally literate, understand how to manipulate and interpret information technology and be confident programmers with a broad knowledge of computer science. Our children will have an exceptional understanding of how to stay safe online, enabling them to interact within the digital world in a safe and responsible way.


We use Kapow as our main resource for the teaching of computing lessons. Kapow is a comprehensive and progressive scheme of work. It provides full National Curriculum coverage for computing, with detailed lesson plans that develop skills and knowledge with a wide range of topics for KS1 and KS2. Kapow provides in-depth lesson plans, teaching resources, clear and concise success criteria, informative links, descriptive videos and engaging independent tasks in relation to lesson objectives. They provide continuous professional development through confidence-inspiring videos for teachers that provide rich, visual demonstrations to develop subject knowledge.

