Our approach to behaviour management is always fair and consistent. The children have been actively involved in the development of the school rules and are consequently aware of, and understand the behaviour systems in school and any sanctions that exist.
Behaviour is extremely good at St. Peter’s and I am very pleased to say that incidents that do occur are usually minor. More serious incidents, although rare, are dealt with swiftly and consistently.
Class Dojos
At St. Peter’s C of E Primary School, we have introduced an app called ‘Class Dojo’ which is a reward system that is used in many schools throughout the country and, in our experience, is something that the children respond very well to.
Rewards for good behaviour and work are given to the children in the form of ‘Class Dojos’ which appear on the iPad or classroom interactive whiteboard when the app is opened.
Dojos are also awarded for being nominated for a ‘Lunchtime Special Mention’ or a ‘Good Work’ or ‘Golden Virtues’ certificate.
Dojos can also be awarded to the class rather than individuals for their collective behaviour such as lining up quietly at the end of playtime or listening attentively during Collective Worship.
When the class has collectively earned a specified number of Dojos, they are rewarded with a ‘Class Treat’. This takes place in an afternoon and involves a school-based activity of the class’ choosing such as den building, baking, watching a film or bringing toys in to play with. The activity is selected by a system of voting led by the School Council representatives in each class.
Termly ‘Whole School Treat’
At the start of each term, every child in school is invited to the end of term ‘Whole School Treat’. This is voted for by the children and during the last academic year, included a Chocolate Party; a football match; a Silly Sports event and a ‘Film Evening’.
However, the invitation can be withdrawn from a child.
In each classroom, there is a set of traffic lights on display. At the start of each day, every child's name is stuck onto the green traffic light. If a child misbehaves, they must move their name from green to amber and miss 5 minutes of their playtime. If they continue to misbehave, they must move their name to red and miss a whole playtime. If a child gets three red days within the term, then their invite to the Whole School End of Term Treat' will be withdrawn. Parents will be informed when their child has had a red day.
Very few children have been known to lose their ‘Whole School Treat’ and since its introduction, there have been fewer and fewer children losing it, each time it takes place.