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Class 3

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Edale more photos to follow.

Design and technology Structures

Fencing P.E.

Art work using watercolours.


African drumming -call and response.

In this block, pupils looked to different countries to see what can be learnt from different cultures. The recipes chosen showcase how certain foods can contribute to good health and wellbeing. We made Summer rolls, stir-fry and Bombay potatoes.

During the past 50 years, the British diet has not changed a great deal, but our society has. People’s lives – particularly in relation to their work – are much more sedentary than before and so the British diet, which is traditionally high in carbohydrates and animal fats, is no longer as suitable as it once was. Currently, most wealthy countries around the world are suffering from an obesity crisis. This is not the case in West African and some Asian countries. This block looks to different countries for ideas on how we might adapt our diets and how we can use food as a medicine, not just fuel. Ingredients like turmeric, ginger, spices and fresh herbs have been used for their medicinal purposes for centuries..

What can you learn from different cultures?

Dale Chihuly is an American glass sculpture. The children have created 3d pieces of art inspired by Dale Chihuly’s glass work. They used papier-mâché with tissue paper and pva glue. A selection of bowls were used for armatures. They used coffee filters and water based markers and acetate sheets moulded using a hot air gun. The results were fabulous.

Haiku a Japanese poetry form which consists of 3 lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five in the third.


In design and Technology we have been investigating gears. 
We learnt about driven gears which is a gear wheel that causes other gears in a gear train to rotate.

We discovered that if we turn a gear clockwise the adjacent gear will move in the opposite direction.

We used our knowledge of gears to design a windmill powered by gears.




Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Christmas crafts. Felting

Cubed numbers

In our anti-bullying workshop, we talked about what bullying is, who can help and why bullying might happen. 

Anti-bullying workshop

NSPCC Speak out and stay safe.


In design and technology, we are studying street foods from different cultures. We are using this knowledge to consider our own diet and snacks. We are thinking about how these may be improved. We are learning skills such as finely dicing vegetables using a claw grip, folding and shaping a tortilla, grating and ribboning. Today, we made burritos. When we evaluated them most of the class enjoyed them, but there were things we would do differently like using less chilli!

Pitta bread and hummus

Making samosas

Nutrition and Food

On Tuesday 13th June ,Class three set off on our residential to Lake Windermere. We had studied the Lake District, in Geography, in the Autumn Term . The sun shone for the four days we were there. We went on a boat trip across Windermere and had a 5 mile walk. We visited the Beatrix Potter Experience and found out about how Beatrix Potter had helped to conserve the Lake District so that it is as beautiful today as it was when she was alive. We visited the motor museum and saw how cars had changed over time. We also visited the exhibition about the Windermere Children who were evacuated from concentration camps in 1945 to WIndermere.  Approximately 300 children were given hope of a new life. This linked with our History and RE studies in the Autumn Term. We had a lovely time.

Everybody who met us, especially the staff and public at the hostel all commented on how well-behaved and polite the children were.

We enjoyed West Bridgford junior school visiting us. We did lots of drama activities which helped us to get to know each other a little bit better. Lots of us felt nervous and a little bit excited about meeting the children from West Bridgford. It didn't take long to discover that there were lots of similarities and some differences. We are really looking forward to visiting Nottingham and further developing our friendships.

  We managed to make a profit of nearly £150 to go towards the cost of the coach. 


3d Art

Happy New Year and welcome back. January 2023.

Design and Technology - Structures. How strong is a piece of spaghetti?

Design and Technology. Making Smorgasbord Danish open sandwiches.

What we are learning Autumn 2022 (2)

Curriculum Overview Autumn 1
