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Class 2

All ready for the first performance of 'A Hint of Snow White'

Our amazing guitarists performing one last time for this year!

The Colour Run!

A HUGE well done to Annabelle for getting a place at the Royal Ballet School! What a star!

What great fun we had on Sports Day!

We had a brilliant time on your residential this year!

Class 2 Educational Visit to Hathersage, Eyam & Castleton

Wednesday 8th May to Friday 10th May 2024


Last minute reminders:

  • If you need a travel sickness tablet, please take this before you leave for school. Make sure that you have got an extra one for way home, in a named envelope. This needs handing to Mrs Reeson.
  • Come to school at the usual time. Leave ALL bags inside the school gate to the left of the gate, against the wall (near the noughts and crosses game). No bags will then get left behind in the classroom.
  • Go to the classroom and go to the toilet then sit in your seat, ready for the register.
  • We will be leaving school at about 9:15 am.
  • Any medicines need to be handed in to Mrs Reeson. This should include instructions for administration and the medicine itself. This includes travel sickness tablets for the return journey.
  • Please also hand in the extra £5 to Mrs Reeson and she will sign your name off on a form to say that she’s received it.
  • Mrs Reeson will be standing at the Class 2 door in the playground.
  • Packed lunch in a carrier bag that can go in the bin once eaten. If you have a plastic sandwich box to prevent squished sandwiches – put this back in your day bag once you have eaten your lunch.
  • Water bottle – to be used whilst we are away. This is ESSENTIAL.
  • £5 in a named purse or wallet for the essential trip activity ‘Visiting the Gift Shop’




  • Bag with clothes including coat, shoes, wellies etc and essentials such as a toothbrush, towel etc in – see kit list
  • Rucksack / backpack to put packed lunch and waterproofs in on our days out. Waterproofs can be packed in the big bag tonight!
  • Snacks to scoff whenever you get the chance – this is another key part of going on a school trip. Acceptable foods include crisps, Pringles, Haribo (other brands are available), biscuits, chocolate etc. Please do not bring gum or fizzy / energy drinks. Please pack these in a named carrier bag. Sweets etc are not allowed in rooms so we will keep them in the lounge.

Teddies / blankets if requi

We had a fantastic day at Bassetlaw Museum learning all about the Romans! We made a Roman pot using clay, worked as archaeologists, studying some Roman artefacts, learnt what a Roman soldier would have worn, and re-enated a Roman wedding!

Multiplication Check Prep Schedule - Times Tables Rock Stars

Our two very talented guitarist performed for us last week!

Curricukum Overview - Summer 1

Easter Egg Winners 2024!

Information for parents regarding the Year 4 Multiplication Check (June 2024)

We had a visit from the Dogs Trust last week, who taught us how to be safe around dogs.

'Today's Gonna be a Great Day!'

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Switch on your torches!

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Rehearsing with MC Grammar!

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Young Voices - 'Get on Board'

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Young Voices Concert 2024! It was BRILLIANT!

We are very lucky to have an expert from the Nottinghamshire Music Hub come to our school to teach us how to play the Toca djembe drum. We are really enjoying our lessons so far!

At the beginning of every new Science module, the children are provided with a 'Knowledge Organiser' to help them with their learning. This is the 'Knowledge Organiser' the children are currently using in our lessons about teetth and the digestive system. Ask your child to tell you what they know!

In maths, we have just started learning about 'multiplication and division'. Have a look at the documents below to get an idea of the sorts of things we will be doing.

This half term in English, we are learning a 'Wishing Tale' called 'The King of the Fishes'. This is the story map the children have been using to help them learn the story. Ask your child to tell you the story!

Our (very cold!) trip to Perlethorpe

What we will be learning about this half term (Spring 1)...

Jingle Jog at Sherwood Pines

'Put on your Gumboots'!

In music this half term, we have been learning to play a piece of music called 'Put on your Gumboots'. As this unit was based on music from South Africa, we first listened to different styles of South African music. We then watched a video of 'gumboot dancing' in which people make different rhythms, wearing gumboots (wellies!)!.

We then all learnt how to play the glockenspiel parts by reading music notation. We then all learned to sing the song and then finally we all learned the body percussion part.

Christmas 2023

Felting Workshop

Today, our brillant guitarists performed. Very well done to Percy and Flynn!

New TTRS Competition!

In P.E this half term, we have been doing 'gymnastics'. Here, the children are working in groups to create a routine, by following a set of instructions.

In English, we have been learning about 'Instructions'. We started off our learning, by learning a set of instructions, using a text map. Ask your child to 'read' the instructions!

Beatboxing Workshop

Beatboxing Workshop

Beatboxing Workshop - making the sounds of a bass drum, a high-hat and a snare drum!

Beatboxing Workshop - warming up!


Beatboxing - November 2023

What we will be learning about this half term...

In science today, we finished off our Chemistry learning about 'Rocks' with a lesson all about fossils. Here, the children are sorting statements into the correct order to explain the process of fossilisation!

Year 4s hard at work, making Roman Numerals using matchsticks!

Golf Day!

In science this week, we looked at soil with a magnifying glass to answer the question: Is soil just dirt? The most excitement seemed to come from spotting a worm! We also found decaying leaves/organic material, small pieces of rock, and organisms.

Design and Technology


Class 2 have continued their Food and Nutrition work by making stuffed peppers.  The children mixed bulgur wheat with raw vegetables and used this mixture to fill half peppers.  Lemon juice and olive oil were added to the mix and the whole thing was topped with feta cheese.

Class 2 have enjoyed eating their stuffed peppers.  This week's food was not as great a hit as last week's Noodle Salad, but the children have thought about what they would change for next time.  Some would add less lemon, some more cheese, and some would replace certain vegetables.  All the children tried their stuffed peppers and were able to describe their feelings towards their food.

Design and Technology


As part of our D&T unit on Food and Nutrition, Class 2 has been cooking delicious and nutritious food!

First up Noodle Salad, using rice noodles and assorted vegetables.  The dressing was made using brown sugar, soy sauce and lime.

The children have greatly enjoyed making Noodle Salad, but they enjoyed eating it even more.  Everyone had a try and the majority of the class gave it two thumbs up!

In history today, we looked at photos of some of the evidence of the middle Stone Age (the Mesolithic Era), to discuss what life was like in Mesolithic Britain.

Creswell Crags

This is what the children will be doing when we visit Creswell Crags on Monday. The children are really enjoying learning about 'The Stone Age' in history, so I am really excited to see how this trip can add to our overall learning experience.

Using drama to act-out 'Poppy, Waldo and the Giant'!

In English, we have been learning about a 'Meeting Tale', called 'Poppy, Waldo and the Giant'. This is our class story map, which we have used to help us learn the story. Ask your child to tell you the story!

In maths, we are learning about 'Place Value'. These booklets give you some examples of the sorts of things the children are doing in class.

Progress Awards 2023




Year 3 -  smiley

Year 4 - Vivienne




Year 3 - Elijah

Year 4 - Simon 




Year 3 - Jack

Year 4 - Penelope


Well done! 



Sports Day

'Peter Pan' Performance

Ready for 'Peter Pan'!

Residential 2023 - What a great (but tiring!) time we had!

Class 2 Residential 2023

Residential Information

Testing the catapults! Can you tell whose cube travelled the furthest?

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In Design and Technology, we have been learning about levers. As part of our learning, we made a see-saw (a first-class lever), and a catapult (a third-lass lever).

In art this week, we have been learning about proportion and scale, in relation to the human form. We used a manikin to look at the proportion of the main body and limbs, and then used this as a guide to draw the basic shapes of body parts. We then looked at ‘decoupage’, which is a way of decorating something using shapes, pictures etc. cut from paper. We each chose a theme, then selected relevant images from magazines and attached them to a 3D form (a plant pot!)

In English, we have started learning a new text - a ‘Newspaper Report’, which is about a tornado destroying some local houses. Here is our text map, which we are using to help us learn the text.

We are learning about 'Multiplication and Division' in maths. Take a look at the sorts of things we are doing about...

A HUGE thank you to all of you who sponsored the children to be silent for the whole morning! They did an amazing job! Your support helped us raise a ginormous total of £1336.87 for the Turkey - Syria appeal!

Curriculum Overview - Summer 1

‘Spring Chicken’

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Ready for our performance of ‘Spring Chicken’ in church!

The Easter Egg Raffle!

Our wonderful dancers performing the dance they did at the Dance Festival a few weeks ago.

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Easter Crafts Afternoon - 28th March 2023

Times Tables Rockstars MTC Prep Schedule

Y4 Parents - Parents Guide to the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

We were very proud of our superstar guitarist who performed in assembly today!

In maths, we are learning about 'Multiplication and Division'. Take a look inside these booklets to see the sorts of things we are doing.

The fabulous dancers who took part in the dance festival at Retford Oaks Academy!

Today, we had the swimming staff come to school to teach us how to do CPR, use a defibrillator, and put someone into the recovery position.

We are fantastic at reciting this story now! Ask your child to tell you the story!

In English, we have started learning a new text - ‘Adventure at Sandy Cove’, which is about two boys who find a black box, filled with jewels, in a rock pool. Here we are practising reciting the text, using our story maps to help us.

On World Book Day, we read some of ‘How to Train your Dragon’ , and then created our own ‘Dragon Top Trump’ cards. We even played the game using them! After lunch, we used the internet to find out about some of the different types of dragons. We then used this information as inspiration to draw and paint our own dragons

Well done to all the children who received a prize for either being a ‘runner-up’ or the winner of the ‘Community Garden Poster Design’ competition!

What we are learning this half term...


Design &Technology - Textiles - Creating a solution to the problem of a tea towel slipping off a hook/rail

Singing the ‘Dragon Ships’ song

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In music, Class 2 have been developing their singing technique on the theme of ‘Vikings’! They have learnt how to sing in time with others, recognise simple rhythmic notation by ear and by sight, use simple rhythmic notation to compose a Viking battle song, and perform music with confidence and discipline.

A ‘Viking Battle’ song

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A ‘Viking Battle’ song

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A ‘Viking Battle’ song

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What an AMAZING experience Young Voices was!

Young Voices 2023

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'Go the Distance'

Young Voices 2023

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'Sing from Your Heart'

Young Voices 2023

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'Over the Hills'

Young Voices 2023

Young Voices 2023

Singing with Heather Small!

What we will be learning about this half term...

We had a fantastic time watching Peter Pan at the theatre!

Christmas Party

Working hard making 3D shapes (in our Christmas jumpers of course!)

In Art and Design, we have been learning about primary, secondary and tertiary colours, and how to make them. Here, we are ‘overpainting’ onto to our prepared backgrounds, using a mix of primary, secondary and tertiary colours.

What we are learning this half term...

To start off our next English unit, we have been learning 'The River Unicorn' using this text map.

Take a look inside the 'Addition and Subtraction' booklets to see what we will be learning about in maths over the next few weeks!

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 - Parent Pack

Year 4 maths - Roman Numerals

Young Voices 2023 Lyrics

Indian Dancing - Full dance!

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Indian Dancing

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Indian Dancing - 3rd November 2022

In Design and Technology, we worked in groups to make pizza and bread. We learnt the words 'knead', 'fermentation' and 'gluten'.

African Drumming

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African Dancing

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African Dancing

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We had great fun learning some African dancing and drumming!

What is Times Tables Rock Stars? Parents and Carers Guide

In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 16,000 schools - both primary and secondary - worldwide.

'Times Tables Rockstars' Parent Guide

In English, we have been learning a 'Warning Tale' called 'Kassim and the Greedy Dragon' using a story map. Ask your child to tell you the story using the story map below!

“I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service.” - Queen Elizabeth II

In maths, we are learning about 'Place Value'. Have a look at the workbooks below to get an idea of what the children will be learning about in school. They are also a great way for children to enjoy maths at home!

Class 2 Curriculum Overview - Autumn 1

Welcome to Class 2 letter - September 2022

End of Year Messages...

The children did a fantastic job in the KS2 production 'The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents'! Well done, everyone!

Keeping cool...

'The Fisherman's Tale' Drama Workshop - 15/07/22

We were very lucky to see our incredible pianists in action today!

FREE Twinkl Membership Guidance | Parents Guide - This fantastic free parents membership guide is an overview of all of the amazing resources specially designed for our parent users. Full of helpful hints and tips, as well as information on how to get the most from our website.

Reading at Home

We made 'Basil Pesto and Pasta' today. We had great fun using a pestle and mortar!

In our 'history' lesson this week, we worked in groups to discuss and rank different 'Ancient Greek Legacies', in order from 'Most Important' to 'Least Important'

Athletics Festival at Retford Oaks Academy

We enjoyed playing a 'fractions' game today!

When GB Paralympian, Antony Cotterill, came to our school...

Visit from Sam Millard - a past head teacher!

Residential in Hathersage - May 2022

Hathersage Parent's meeting Powerpoint

Easter Crafts Afternoon

Putting together 'Easter Hampers' for people in the village!

Young Voices - April 2022

Making a collage of a river

Perlethorpe Trip

Making Greek Kebabs

Christmas 2021

Brackenhurst Trip

Class two participating in the regional 'Santa Dash' competition (December 2020)

'Only One You' by Linda Kranz

Welcome Back to School Class 2
