The school day starts at 8:50 am and ends at 3:30 pm.
This is a total of 33 hours and 20 minutes per week.
The school gate is opened at 8:40 am by Mrs Reeson or Miss Houghton if Mrs Reeson is not present. Children will be allowed into the playground and parents may accompany their children if the wish to do so. At this time, all class teachers will be in the school playground. If parents would like to speak to their child’s teacher, they should do so at this time.
Mrs Forrest, the EYFS teacher, will meet the Foundation Stage children and they will line up in front of the Foundation Stage Unit gate.
Children in Classes 1 (Key Stage One), 2 and 3 (Key Stage Two) may go into their classrooms from 8:40 am, where they should start their morning work. Children will be supervised by a teaching assistant until the class teacher enters the classroom at 8:50 am.
All children are expected to be in the playground, and preferably in the classroom by 8:50 am.
At 8:47 am, the school bell will be rung. Parents and carers should leave the playground at this time. Parents should not continue to speak to the class teacher after the bell has rung because this will make the teacher, and potentially other children, late for the start of the school day.
The bell will be rung for a second time at 8:50 am. The main gate will be closed.
Once all of the children are inside the classroom, the external classroom doors will be closed.
Families who arrive after the main gate has closed should ring the bell on the external wall of the school. Parents and or carers should then escort their child(ren) through the front door of the school into the main entrance.
Pupils who arrive at school after the register has closed, will be marked as late in the register. Any child / children who arrive at school after 9:20 am due to lateness, will be marked absent for the morning session.
The school’s afternoon session commences at 1pm. The class register will be completed at 3:25 pm. Any child who is not in school at this time will be marked as absent for the afternoon session, as per Local Authority guidance.
The school day finishes at 3:30 pm.
All children should be collected at that time unless parents/carers have informed the school that their children are permitted to walk home unaccompanied. If there is a delay in collecting children at the end of the school day, parents/carers should ring the school to inform the school of the delay and its expected resolution.
We expect all children on roll to attend punctually every day when the school is in session, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so. If a child is late they must enter with their parents/carers through the front door. Children must not try to gain entry through the external classroom doors.
With the exception of the timings at the start and end of the day, these times may differ slightly between key stages.
Monday to Thursday
8:50 am AM registration
9:00 am Morning lessons commence
Key Stage One: English, Maths and Read, Write Inc
Key Stage Two: Maths and English
Timings for playtimes are at the teacher's discretion
12 pm Lunch time
1pm Afternoon lessons commence
to include: Science, RE, History, Geography, PE, Art & Design, Design & Technology, Music, French (KS2 only) and Computing
3:10 pm Collective Worship
3:25 pm PM registration
3:30 pm Home time
Timings for playtimes are at the teacher's discretion
Wednesday pm: Swimming for Years 3, 4 and 5 and PE for EYFS, Class 1 & Year 6.
Friday 9 am: Celebration Assembly
from 1 pm: PE for Classes 1, 2 and 3