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At St Peter’s C of E Primary and Nursery School we follow a whole school programme called HeartSmart, which is a whole school approach that brings together our PSHE (personal, social and health) education. 

SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) development opportunities are mapped throughout and also link carefully with our Christian Values.

All of these pieces of learning are brought together to form a cohesive picture, helping children to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in the world.

The units we follow are:


Be HeartSmart!

Don't forget to let love in!


Too much selfie isn't healthy!

Don't hold on to what's wrong!


Fake is a mistake!

'No way through' isn't true!


How does HeartSmart link with PSHE and RHE?

Relationship and Sex Education(RSE)

The work we do with HeartSmart over the year helps with our RSE curriculum in helping to foster pupil well-being and develop resilience and values that we know are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of society.

To strengthen this further, Big Talk Education help us to deliver a Growing Up Safe programme that has the following outcomes for pupils:

  • Pupils should be able to form a strong, early understanding of the features of relationships that are likely to lead to happiness and security.
  • Pupils should be able to recognise any less positive relationships when they encounter them.
  • RSE should create the opportunity to teach pupils about positive emotional and mental well-being, including how friendships can support our mental well-being.
  • RSE should contribute to the prevention of abuse and protection of children, by teaching the knowledge they need to be safe and to report abuse, including emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
  • Children should be prepared for the physiological and emotional changes they will go through during puberty, where possible before these occur. Understanding that these are natural and normal changes.

Important information about your child's

Relationships and Sex Education curriculum.




Relationship education is now statutory for all children in primary schools, parents do not have a right to withdraw.


Through the BigTalk programme,  we introduce reproduction education in year 4 in order that children learn about reproduction in the context of loving, caring, respectful, adult relationships. We have noted over the years that Y4 tends to be the age group which is targeted by slightly older children who will share a rather rude and crude version in order to inform them.


Parents do have the right to withdraw in Y4 & Y5 if they wish, however they need to understand that whilst we can ask their classmates not to share information with them, neither School nor BigTalk have any control over them outside of School.


Reproduction Education is statutory in year 6, due to it being part of the National Science curriculum, parents should not be withdrawing their children.
