Learning the text. Once we had story mapped and rehearsed Jack and the Beanstalk, we were tasked to create our very own beanstalk in groups of four. The children worked brilliantly in teams to include objects from the story including making the golden harp, egg and coins. They then made characters to retell the story, using their beanstalks as a prop! Lots of excellent vocabulary could be heard in the classroom as well as some very expressive giants! We will use this secure knowledge of the story to help innovate our own. We love Talk for Writing in Class One!
Jack and the Beanstalk. We could not believe it when we came in after the Christmas break. Giant footsteps leading to some magic beans were found in the classroom. We decided to plant them and to our surprise the beanstalk began to grow overnight. Then when we came in from each playtime the following day the beanstalk continued to grow! The children were so excited about what would happen next. Wednesday morning we came in and found that the beanstalk had grow so high it burst through the ceiling! How exciting! Some children were so excited then wanted to shrink and climb the beanstalk so that is exactly what they did! What adventures will they have on their climb up the beanstalk? The children are very excited to share and write their adventures next week.
Christmas dinner
Trip the Misterton Fire Station to support our learning about the Great Fire of London. We had great fun experiencing a modern day fire engine and comparing these to methods that were used during the Great Fire of London. We even experienced a real call out for an emergency and watch the firefighters prepare to go for their call out and then wave them off!
Trip to Tasker Partnership Farm. To support our Science unit of Plants, we took a trip to a local strawberry and raspberry farm. We had a picnic, explored the farm, jumped in muddy puddles, found out what happens to the plants at the end of the growing season, dissected a strawberry plant to identify the different parts of a plant, said hello to some cows and horses, ate our body weight in juicy strawberries and even got to pick some tasty raspberries. Some of us were also lucky enough to find some four leafed clovers! Lots of strawberry stained happy faces all round!
Talk for writing: We are exploring the Three Little pigs as our story this half term. We had great fun learning the story through drama.
Science: What are wild flowers? What wild flowers grow in our school garden?
Science: What clothes do we wear for each season? The children had great fun dressing up for the described season!
Talk for writing: Building a house for the Three Little Pigs! What amazing team work to build a house to withstand the huff and puff of the Big Bad Wolf which we even tested with a hair dryer!
Maths problem solving with Squash and a Squeeze. What a super start to learning on our first week of the new school year!
We are authors! We have written our own stories based on the intruder story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have worked so hard and chose children aged 3-11 as our audience. We had so much fun sharing our stories with the Foundation Stage children, it really gave our writing a purpose. Every child wrote a story, we are ALL writers!
Design and Technology
Class 1 has started a new D&T unit about wheels. In our first lesson we learnt about wheels, axles, and chassis. We looked at rotating and fixed axles and how they connect to the chassis.
Science: why is exercise good for our bodies? After recording our resting heart rate, we did one minute of start jumps and then recorded our post exercise heart rate. We then learnt about why it was faster post exercise and what parts of our body benefit from exercise. After, applied our knowledge and drew around a friend and labelled all of the parts of the body exercise impacts.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: after orally learning the story, we joined in with lots of activities to help us to learn and explore the story further. We had so much fun making three different textured porridges, hosting a puppet show, making three different sized chairs out of Lego, using masks to act out the story, ordering the story and story mapping with toys. We all had so much fun!
Crime scene! Oh no, we came back from the Christmas break to find someone had been in the classroom and caused chaos! We need to investigate the clue to find out what had happen. The children used the clues to discover our next story to be Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Painting 3
As part of our painting unit, Class one has been painting to music. Using Wassily Kandinsky as inspiration, the children have thought about the emotions various pieces of music might evoke and how that may be translated into abstract paintings, focusing on line, shape and colour.
Working hard at our painting
A few pieces of completed work.
Class Christmas party
Christmas dinner, yum!
Making Christmas table centrepieces
Anti-bullying Workshop
Class one, along with the rest of the school, took part in an anti-bullying workshop. The children learnt about the different types of bullying - physical, cyber, verbal and social. The children thought about how they would feel if they were on the receiving end of these types of bullying and used freeze frames to express their ideas. Class one was encouraged to use their whole body to convey their, often complicated, feelings. We were very impressed with the children’s thoughtfulness and acting abilities when carrying out these activities.
‘You Choose’ master class with authors Nick Sharrat and Pippa Goodhart
Painting 2
This week class one have been mixing primary colours to create a variety of secondary colours, experimenting with the amounts of primary colours added. We then used our primary and secondary colours to create concentric shapes. The children worked carefully to create thin, neat lines.
Class 1 have started a new Art unit. We are looking at the work of Wassily Kandinsky and imitating aspects of his style. Last week we worked with geometric shapes and primary colours, overlapping the shapes to create spaces to paint. The children worked very carefully to stay within the lines and create some beautiful pictures.
Class 1 have been working hard over the last few weeks in D&T. We have been learning to sew! This is a very tricky skill for little fingers and the whole class has approached it with positivity and resilience. We created bookmarks out of felt using overstitch to attach appliqués and sew pieces together. We have also been using running stitch and overstitch to create a patchwork quilt.
Catching the Gingerbread Man! Our gingerbread man has escaped and on a mission to catch him. after orally learning our class instruction for ‘How to catch a gingerbread man’ we set out to follow these instructions to catch him in on our school field. This was a great way to internalise our instructions text ready to innovate them as a class. We all had great fun and our gingerbread men were caught safely in our home made cages, phew!
Geography field work. We have been learning about human and physical geography and how our local area has been preserved or changed through this. Using our field work skills, we explored what human geographical features are the most frequent in the village and why.
Golf experience day
Gringley History Club talk and walk around the village. We were so pleased to have Mr Griffiths come and share a talk about the history of shops in the village. We loved seeing the old photos and asking questions about what they were like in the past. After our talk, we were taken on a tour of the village to see what the shops look like today and how they have changed. We were especially excited to find out that there used to be two fish and chip shops in the village, yum!
Welcome to Gringley high street in the 1950s! For our History this term, we are learning about how shops and shopping habits have changed in our local community. We recreated some of the shops that were previously in the village which included a grocers, bakery, butchers and cobblers. The children had to: write a shopping list, be served by the shop keeper, wait patiently in a queue to be served, go to different shops for each product and pay with cash. We all had such fun!
Black history month. We had great fun exploring the story of Rosa Parks through drama and learning how her bravery impacted the way equality and diversity is celebrated today.
Science: exploring food chains
Science: exploring the micro habitats in our school garden
Exploring The Gingerbread Man through: drama, puppet shows, playdough gingerbread men and story mapping
The Gingerbread Man came to visit our classroom! We even caught him on camera! As a start to our Talk For Writing unit "The Gingerbread Man" we decorated our own Gingerbread men and ate them. Yum!
After our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, we used the animals as inspiration for our transition days. We explored the story of Noah's Arc and created some fabulous art work! This is the display of our work in the classroom.
The Great Fire of London
Class 1 has been learning about the Great Fire of London in 1666. We studied about London in 1666 before the fire, how the fire started and spread and how we know about the fire all these years later.
Here is some of our work:
African Dancing and Drumming
Class 1 has been learning about plants!
We enjoyed exploring a plant and identifying the different parts.
Design and Technology (D&T)
Class 1 has been learning about sliders and using them to make a moving picture.
On Wednesday we learnt how to make a slider to make a part of a picture move. We created a simple model to learn the technique and designed our moving picture for the next day.
On Thursday we turned our design into the real thing! We used our imagination to create a picture and slider to make one part of the picture move.
On Tuesday we made 'pattern plates' to practice our dexterity for future activities. We weaved strips of paper - over, under - to create our plate.
Talk 4 Writing
Over the last two weeks, Class 1 has been learning the story of "The Three Little Pigs". The children are fantastic at reciting the story using actions.
The Three Little Pigs 1.mp4
2LP 2.mp4
3LP 3.mp4
3LP 4.mp4
Class 1 spent last week looking at mark making using different tools.
We learnt the words monochrome and cross hatching.
The last piece of art we completed was to sketch a pet and use our new skills to create the effect of fur.
Our Tree
Class one has chosen a tree to follow throughout the year.
We discovered that our tree is a Silver Birch. It has white bark that sheds and drooping branches.
How will our tree change during the different seasons?
Class 1 made sculptures out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We made different shapes to create structures. It was quite hard to make without it falling down. Some of us made tall structures and some made long structures. We had a great time.