The Curriculum at St. Peter's
Curriculum Statement
The St. Peter's C of E Primary and Nursery School Curriculum supports and shapes the development and character of the whole child. We do this by exploring our 'Take Care' Values and 'Beyond Expectation' Attitudes, the British Values and our Christian Vision and Values, which permeate our vision for education in St. Peter's C of E Primary and Nursery School. We aim to develop the vocabulary, knowledge and skills, alongside the character and spirituality, attitudes and learning behaviours needed for success in our ever-changing world. Throughout our school and curriculum offer, our clear Vision and Values, support our children to become curious, confident, resourceful and happy learners who have the necessary knowledge, communication skills, emotional literacy and characteristics, that enable them to flourish and live life in all its fullness, now and throughout their lives.
At St. Peter's we keep our pedagogical knowledge current and, with this in mind, draw upon several powerful sources of knowledge in the construction of our Curriculum. The following theories have been instrumental in shaping the teaching and learning experiences at St Peter's and our Curriculum reflects these:
*Cognitive load theory
* Principles of instruction
* Generative learning practice
All curriculum areas are given equal importance and weighting at St Peter's; this is because we acknowledge that the best societies and organisations, value and make use of a wide and varied range of personal attributes and abilities. We work hard to celebrate and recognise the strengths, and also the progress of all, valuing personal development and encouraging our pupils to challenge themselves.
At St. Peter's C of E Primary & Nursery School, we use the Unity Schools (CUSP) resources to plan the teaching of Science, History, Geography, Art and Design & Technology curriculum in Key Stages 1 and 2. Computing, French and Music are based on the KAPOW resources; both of which support the cognitive load theory, principles of instruction research and generative learning practice.
The long term plan for PE is designed by the PE lead, Yvonne Reeson, according to the requirements of the National Curriculum. Lessons are delivered by KIXX and Premier Education.
Our PSHE and RSE curriculum are based on the Heart Smart scheme of work.
As a Church of England School, our long term curriculum Religious Education reflects our take care ethos allowing time for children to reflect, question and explore Christianity through the 'Understanding Christianity' units we teach. We have also chosen specific units from the Local Agreed Syllabus which we feel reflect the demographic needs of our children.
Curriculum Intent
Our St. Peter's C of E Primary and Nursery School curriculum intends to:
- be cumulative, coherent and challenging as it progresses from nursery through to Year 6, and prepares our pupils for Y7 and beyond;
- enable our pupils to be able to recall and describe knowledge and concepts in familiar, unfamiliar, local and global contexts;
- enable our pupils to make connections between their developing knowledge and concepts, their prior learning, and their lived experiences;
- enable our pupils to be successful, confident, collaborative, compassionate and responsible individuals and citizens;
- be inclusive by providing equity for all learners, regardless of their personal cultural capital or special educational needs or disabilities, through its rich learning experiences and vocabulary development so that everyone can flourish spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, morally and socially, and live life in all its fullness.
Curriculum Implementation
Subject leaders and senior leaders will:
- design a curriculum progression in vocabulary, knowledge, skills and concepts through year group plans, as appropriate;
- ensure that all teachers are familiar with curriculum expectations through training, monitoring and coaching, with a focus on ensuring that outcomes can be achieved by all pupils;
- periodically monitor and evaluate the progress, outcomes and impact of the curriculum along with class teachers;
- lead improvements across school
Class teachers will:
- provide inclusive, quality first teaching in all subjects by planning and delivering engaging and effective the teaching and learning for their class;
- teach using selected approaches and schemes of work that are used throughout Key Stages One & Two, including White Rose Maths, Read, Write Inc, Ruth Miskin Spellings and Talk for Writing in Maths and English; and the CUSP curriculum for Science, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology and Kapow for Music, Computing and Modern Foreign Languages curriculum, which are adapted by the class teachers to take account of the Cultural Capital of the school.
- make decisions about which resources and materials they use, and how they utilise them appropriately and effectively to support and challenge all learners’ needs inclusively;
- use their professional knowledge and expertise, share best practice and provide support for each other, focussed on outcomes for individual pupils;
- ensure that a range of formative, diagnostic and summative assessments are used to move learning on and challenge all learners to be the best they can be;
- enrich our curriculum learning experiences and utilise our idyllic rural location and surroundings to enhance experiential learning and contrast this with alternative visits and experiences;
- explore our Vision and Values (personal, character and spiritual development), creating provision with an emphasis on learning behaviours, personal achievement and progress.
Pupils will be encouraged to:
- develop excellent learning behaviours
- learn how to read and develop a love of reading as the key to unlock the wonders of learning and life;
- retrieve, recall, use, connect and add to their vocabulary, knowledge and skills;
- acquire, revisit and continue to develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary within and across the curriculum;
- use their reading, literacy, oracy, numeracy and digital communication skills to purposefully share and articulate their learning with others;
- explore our Vision and Values so that they can develop as a person, through character and spiritual development with an emphasis on personal achievement, progress and human flourishing;
- discover who they are and what they can become on their journey to being the best me I can be.
Curriculum Impact
Subject Leaders and Senior Leaders:
- routinely evaluate the impact and outcomes for their areas of responsibility;
- use this analysis to identify any necessary actions that develop the quality of provision in their subject, to moderate assessments, and to benchmark outcomes against expectations beyond their school.
Class teachers:
- routinely evaluate the progress of pupils within and across lessons using the curriculum frameworks to make judgements;
- use this information to analyse how effectively pupils are achieving or exceeding expectations and to adapt their planning accordingly;
- provide Subject Leaders with timely summative information and analysis about the outcomes of pupils in their class, and the impact of the curriculum.
Pupils voice demonstrates that pupils:
- are enthusiastic learners who understand the purpose of learning and therefore show excellent learning behaviours, empathy and understanding of needs, are resilient and are willing to have a go;
- have a developing love of reading;
- meet and exceed national expectations for learning so that they are equipped with the vocabulary, knowledge, skills and understanding to help them fulfil their dreams and aspirations and are prepared for the next stage of their learning;
- are inquisitive and share their talents, confidence, accomplishments, for example through acting, performing music, art displays, leading collective worship, courageous advocacy, and public speaking;
- know who they are and what they might become; they feel valued.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion statement
St Peter’s C of E Primary & Nursery School is committed to valuing diversity by providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children.
St Peter’s C of E Primary & Nursery School seeks to ensure that no member of the school community, or any person through their contact with the school, will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of a protected characteristic. These include: race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, gender, marital status, responsibility for children or other dependents, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, trade union or political activities, socio-economic background, living situation, or spent convictions.
What will the children be learning this half term?
Please click on the links below to see an overview of the planning.
If you require additional information about your child's learning,
please speak to their class teacher.
Links to the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Key Stage One and Two National Curriculum requirements can be found
at the bottom of the page.