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Visions and Mission Statement

St. Peter's C of E Primary School

Vision & Mission Statement


Our Vision

'Unlocking the gates to a lifelong love of learning and faithfulness'


“Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6


We are a TAKE CARE school.

Everyone will take care of themselves, each other, our school and the wider world. 

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At St Peter’s C of E Primary & Nursery School, the growth and development of children and adults is central to everything we do. We aim to provide an education which inspires every child to be the best they can be. As a Church school, our ethos is rooted in distinctive Christian beliefs and values whilst embracing diversity, respecting other faiths and worshiping together. 


At St. Peter's we work together to provide an inspiring, inclusive and creative learning experience for all of our children. Our welcoming and safe environment, encourages everyone to be happy, resilient and enthusiastic learners. This enables all of our children to take risks  and experience life in all its fullness. We aim to nurture the whole child and celebrate them as unique individuals.

Our hope for our children is to leave St. Peter's with confidence, prepared for their future and to go 'beyond expectation'.


We value our excellent relationship with parents, carers, governors, the Church and the wider community. We encourage everyone to take an active role in all aspects of school life, promoting a sense of pride and living together well. Together we develop a community of love and dignity in which everyone feels valued, cared for and supported, celebrating the uniqueness of each individual because they are made in the image of God.


We support all our school community to have the positivity, courage and perseverance, to become independent learners who thrive on challenge.  We help all our pupils to appreciate that the best successes in life often have the foundations of failed attempts.


We believe in taking care of the development of the whole child: educationally, culturally, socially, emotionally, physically, morally and spiritually.


We promote the highest standards of achievement by all pupils regardless of ability, religion, ethnic origin or gender.


 As a community, we are unlocking the gates to a lifelong love of learning which will always remain open.



'Beyond Expectation Education'


These Christian values underpin all that we do in school so that our children may live out the Vision of the school.


Our ‘Beyond Expectation’ attitudes:

Be kind

Be positive

Be respectful

Be resilient

Be forgiving

Be courageous

Be trustworthy

Be yourself!
