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Religious Education



At St Peter’s C of E Primary and Nursery School, we teach RE by teaching from Understanding Christianity which is supplied by our Diocese. This is supported further by Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus units that are woven into our curriculum. Our aim is to engage, encourage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions.

Religious Education allows children to ask deep and meaningful questions about their own faith and beliefs, and the beliefs, faith and opinions of others. At St Peter’s, we develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths and give them opportunities to reflect and develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. Religious Education is taught progressively throughout school, ensuring knowledge and skills are built upon. The teaching of Religious Education makes links with other curriculum areas, particularly PSHE and embeds St Peter’s School ‘Take Care’ ethos and British Values which enables children to participate positively within an ever-changing society and world.


We aim to achieve this by teaching knowledge and skills through high-quality sequences of lessons, which are designed to help children:

  • Explore and discover a range of religions and worldviews through stories and varied experiences.
  • Articulate their beliefs and views on religion and its influence on individuals and communities whilst respecting others.
  • Investigate sources of wisdom or authority and make connections.