First Aid
We have three members of staff who have up-to-date paediatric first aid qualifications.
These people are: Mary Brason, Lisa Murten and Anita Turner.
All other members of staff hold a general first aid qualification.
In the event of an accident, your child will be given appropriate first aid by a member of staff.
If we feel that the accident requires specific medical attention, we will make contact with a named person from our contacts list.
In the event of a serious accident, we will call for an ambulance and notify parents and carers of the situation immediately.
If you have any questions relating to our first-aid provision, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
We are only allowed to administer prescription medication, not over the counter products.
If you feel that your child would benefit from over the counter medication during the school day, for example, Calpol if your child has a bad cold, we request that you come into school and administer the medication yourself.
Please see Mrs Howitt in the School Office if your child needs to be given prescription medication during the school day.