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Welcome to FS2 Class



The children settled well during the first half term, and have come back to school with lots of news about what they have been doing during the holiday.

The children are watching their bulbs growing that they have planted - and enjoyed a very chocolately morning!  We are all now already getting excited about the Nativity production and all the preparations for Christmas.

The children  continue to like to talk through the Daily Calendar and the responsibilty of being the lineleader which means they can carry the cross into Collective Worship.

This term we are following our own interests, as well as finding out about our families and friends, shapes and patterns, and Christmas.

We would like to make an outdoors musical area so any old saucepans or frying pans would be gratefully received.

We are very much looking forward to a trip on 6th December to Perlthorpe to hear a real live story of the Nativity and to be involved in Christmas craft activities.


Each lunch time  continues to give opportunities to socialise with new friends from other classes .


The children are all involved in Read Write Inc sessions Monday to Thursday each week.


PE is on Wednesday morning, so please could the children bring in their kits with names clearly labelled.  Thank you.


The Adventure Books are proving to be great fun; the children get very excited to share their adventures with their friends.


During the next few weeks we will be sharing lots of our favourite stories together, so if your child has a favourite story we would be happy for them to bring it into school.


Show and Tell day is each Friday, the idea being that the children can bring something of interest to school to show and talk about it to their friends.    smiley



In the Foundation Stage, the children learn skills, acquire knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through seven areas of learning: the three Prime areas (personal, social & emotional development / physical development / communication & language) and the four Specific areas (literacy / maths / understanding of the world / expressive arts & design). These areas, and the knowledge and understanding that the staff have about each child, are used to plan the children's learning and activities. We give the children opportunities to play, explore and investigate, and to 'have a go'. We encourage the children to enjoy achieving and to keep on trying if they encounter difficulties. We also give children opportunities to develop their own ideas.


For current Foundation Stage curriculum, please see 'Curriculum' pages.

We had an enjoyable day at Perlthorpe Education Centre acting out the Christmas Nativity Story travelling from Nazareth to the stable at Bethlehem.Dressing up as characters and acting out the story helped us to have a greater understanding of the Christmas story.

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
