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Who's Who

St. Peter’s C of E Primary & Nursery School

Staffing 2024-2025

The staff team are:


Head Teacher: Yvonne Reeson

Senior Teacher: Bettina Houghton

Office Manager: Ruth Howitt


Early Years teaching staff:

Kerry Forrest


Early Years Foundation Stage support staff:

Lisa Murten: (0.5) LSA in Foundation Stage Unit morning ‘til 1 pm 5 days per week. Teaching Read, Write Inc Ditty group.

Mary Brason: 8:50 until 11 am then 1 until 3:30 pm Monday to Friday. Teaching Read, Write Inc group in Key Stage One, 11 am until 12 pm.


Key Stage 1 Teaching Staff:

Class 1 Years 1 & 2  

Rebecca Tasker:  Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Sarah Adams: alternate Wednesday afternoons, Thursday & Friday


Key Stage One support staff:

Katie Green LSA supporting maths lessons and teaching a Read, Write Inc group


Key Stage 2 Teaching Staff:

Class 2 Years 3 & 4

Sarah Adams: Monday, Tuesday & alternate Wednesday afternoons

Josie Blakey: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 


Class 2 support staff:

Anita Turner (TA): supporting maths lessons and teaching a Read, Write Inc group


Class 3 Years 5 & 6

Bettina Houghton 

Janine Blogg (TA): supporting maths and English lessons


Swimming staff: 

Josie Blakey or Sarah Adams – alternate Wednesday afternoons


Welfare staff:

Ian Smith: Cleaner/caretaker

Linda Dalla Riva: Midday senior supervisor & Breakfast Club leader

Sophie Chester: Midday supervisor

Emily Bowers: Midday supervisor

Katie Green: Midday supervisor

Val Kemm: Breakfast Club leader & relief midday supervisor


Our regular volunteers are:

Emily Bowers (swimming volunteer)

Holly Garfoot (swimming volunteer)

Margaret Hustwick (Hearing readers & swimming volunteer) 

Our school Governors
Mr David Foster - Chair of Governors (LA Governor)
Mr Tim Larden - Vice - chair of Governors
Clergy - position vacant
Mrs Tracey Taylor - Foundation Governor - PCC
Mrs Marjorie Craib - Foundation Governor - PCC
Mrs Stephanie Green - Foundation Governor - PCC
Mrs Rosalie Hughes - Foundation Governor - Diocesan Board of Education
Mrs Joanne Cowlam - Parent Governor
Mr Luke Evans - Parent Governor
Miss Bettina Houghton - Staff Governor elected by staff
Mrs Yvonne Reeson - Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher


